2014/11/08 up



[1] はじめに

出所:新版『荒れ野の40年』(岩波ブックレット, 2009/10/6刊)の訳者永井清彦氏の解説からの抜粋

西尾幹二著『異なる悲劇 日本とドイツ』を再読(2014/08/06~2014/08/14)しながら、新版『荒れ野の40年』(ヴァイツゼッカー大統領ドイツ終戦40周年記念演説(1985/05/08)岩波ブックレット(2009/10/6刊)も並行して読了した。







Speech by Richard von Weizsäcker, President of the Federal Republic of Germany,
in the Bundestag during the Ceremony Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the End of the War in Europe and of National Socialist Tyranny,
May 8, 1985
from Geoffrey Hartman, ed., Bitburg in Moral and Political Perspective (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986).

Weizsäcker is known for his speeches. In 1985 he gave a famous speech in the Bundestag about the 40th anniversary of the end of the Second World War on 8 May 1945
* where he "articulated the historic responsibility of Germany and Germans for the crimes of Nazism.
*Speech in the Bundestag on 8 May 1985 during the Ceremony Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the End of War in Europe and of National-Socialist Tyranny, Landesmedienzentrum Baden-Württemberg, retrieved on 31 January 2014 (PDF, 123 KB).

LMZ mediaculture-online



―聖書 新改版 日本聖書刊行会(1970/09/01刊)



出所:ヴァイツゼッカー演説 Ⅸ




[2] ヴァイツゼッカー演説の英文と邦訳文の比較


Many nations are today
commemorating the date (1) on which World War II ended in Europe. Every nation is doing so with different feelings, depending on its fate. Be it victory or defeat, liberation from injustice and alien rule or transition to new dependence, division, new alliances, vast shifts of power–May 8, 1945, is a date of decisive historical importance for Europe.
We Germans are commemorating that date amongst ourselves, as is indeed necessary. We must find our own standards. We are not assisted in this task if we or others spare our feelings. We need and we have the strength to look truth straight in the eye–without embellishment and without distortion.
For us, the 8th of May is above all
a date to remember (1) what people had to suffer. It is also a date to reflect on the course taken by our history. The greater honesty we show in commemorating this day, the freer we are to face the consequences with due responsibility. For us Germans, May 8 is not a day of celebration. Those who actually witnessed that day in 1945 think back on highly personal and hence highly different experiences. Some returned home, others lost their homes. Some were liberated, while for others it was the start of captivity. Many were simply grateful that the bombing at night and fear had passed and that they had survived. Others felt first and foremost grief at the complete defeat suffered by their country. Some Germans felt bitterness about their shattered illusions, while others were grateful for the gift of a new start.
It was difficult to find one's bearings straightaway. Uncertainty prevailed throughout the country. The military capitulation was unconditional, placing our destiny in the hands of our enemies. The past had been terrible, especially for many of those enemies, too. Would they not make us pay many times over for what we had done to them? Most Germans had believed that they were fighting and suffering for the good of their country. And now it turned out that their efforts were not only in vain and futile, but had served the inhuman goals of a criminal regime. The feelings of most people were those of exhaustion, despair and new anxiety. Had one's next of kin survived? Did a new start from those ruins make sense at all? Looking back, they saw the dark abyss of the past and, looking forward, they saw an uncertain, dark future.
Yet with every day something became clearer, and this must be stated on behalf of all of us today: The 8th of May was a day of liberation. It liberated all of us from the inhumanity and tyranny of the National Socialist regime.
Nobody will, because of that liberation, forget the grave suffering that only started for many people on May 8. But we must not regard the end of the war as the cause of flight, expulsion and deprivation of freedom. The cause goes back to the start of the tyranny that brought about war. We must not separate May 8, 1945, from January 30, 1933.
There is truly no reason for us today to participate in victory celebrations. But there is every reason for us to perceive May 8, 1945, as the end of an aberration in German history, an end bearing seeds of hope for a better future.

心に刻む日(a date to remember , 1)であり、同時にわれわれの歴史の歩みに思いをこらす日でもあります。この日を記念するにさいしてより誠実であろうとすればするほど、この日のもたらしたもろもろの帰結によりこだわりなく責任をとれるのであります。


May 8 is
a day of remembrance (2). Remembering (3) means recalling (2) an occurrence honestly and undistortedly so that it becomes a part of our very beings. This places high demands on our truthfulness.
Today we
mourn(3) all the dead of the war and the tyranny. In particular we commemorate (4) the six million Jews who were murdered in German concentration camps.
commemorate (5) all nations who suffered in the war, especially the countless citizens of the Soviet Union and Poland who lost their lives. As Germans, we mourn (6) our own compatriots who perished as soldiers, during air raids at home, in captivity or during expulsion. We commemorate (7) the Sinti and Romany Gypsies, the homosexuals and the mentally ill who were killed, as well as the people who had to die for their religious or political beliefs. We commemorate (8) the hostages who were executed. We recall (1) the victims of the resistance movements in all the countries occupied by us. As Germans, we pay homage (9) to the victims of the German resistance–among the public, the military, the churches, the workers and trade unions, and the Communists. We commemorate (10) those who did not actively resist, but preferred to die instead of violating their consciences.
Alongside the endless army of the dead, mountains of human suffering arise–grief over the dead, suffering from injury or crippling or barbarous compulsory sterilization, suffering during the air raids, during flight and expulsion, suffering because of rape and pillage, forced labor, injustice and torture, hunger and hardship, suffering because of fear of arrest and death, grief at the loss of everything which one had wrongly believed in and worked for. Today we sorrowfully
recall (4)(11) all this human suffering.
Perhaps the greatest burden was borne by the women of all nations. Their suffering, renunciation and silent strength are all too easily forgotten by history. Filled with fear, they worked, bore human life and protected it. They mourned their fallen fathers and sons, husbands, brothers and friends. In the years of darkness, they ensured that the light of humanity was not extinguished. After the war, with no prospect of a secure future, women everywhere were the first to set about building homes again, the "rubble women" in Berlin and elsewhere. When the men who had survived returned, women had to take a back seat again. Because of the war, many women were left alone and spent their lives in solitude. Yet it is first and foremost thanks to the women that nations did not disintegrate spiritually on account of the destruction, devastation, atrocities and inhumanity and that they gradually regained their foothold after the war.

5月8日は心に刻むための日(a day of r remembrance, 2)であります。心に刻む(Remembering , 3)というのは、ある出来事が自らの内面の一部となるよう、これを誠実かつ純粋に思い浮かべる
(recalling , 2)ことであります。そのためには真実を求めることが大いに必要とされます。
思い浮かべております(mourn , 3)
思い浮かべます(commemorate , 4)
思い浮かべます(commemorate , 5)。
思い浮かべます(mourn , 6)。
思い浮かべます(commemorate , 7)
銃殺された人質を思い浮かべます(commemorate , 8)。
思いをはせます(recall, 1)
思い浮かべ(pay homage , 9)、敬意を表します。
思い浮かべます(commemorate , 10)

心に刻み(recall , 4)、悲傷の念とともに思い浮かべている(recall , 11)のであります。

At the root of the tyranny was Hitler's immeasurable hatred against our Jewish compatriots. Hitler had never concealed this hatred from the public, but made the entire nation a tool of it. Only a day before his death, on April 30, 1945, he concluded his so-called will with the words: "Above all, I call upon the leaders of the nation and their followers to observe painstakingly the race laws and to oppose ruthlessly the poisoners of all nations: international Jewry." Hardly any country has in its history always remained free from blame for war or violence. The genocide of the Jews is, however, unparalleled in history.
The perpetration of this crime was in the hands of a few people. It was concealed from the eyes of the public, but every German was able to experience what his Jewish compatriots had to suffer, ranging from plain apathy and hidden intolerance to outright hatred. Who could remain unsuspecting after the burning of the synagogues, the plundering, the stigmatization with the Star of David, the deprivation of rights, the ceaseless violation of human dignity? Whoever opened his eyes and ears and sought information could not fail to notice that Jews were being deported. The nature and scope of the destruction may have exceeded human imagination, but in reality there was, apart from the crime itself, the attempt by too many people, including those of my generation, who were young and were not involved in planning the events and carrying them out, not to take note of what was happening. There were many ways of not burdening one's conscience, of shunning responsibility, looking away, keeping mum. When the unspeakable truth of the holocaust then became known at the end of the war, all too many of us claimed that they had not known anything about it or even suspected anything.
There is no such thing as the guilt or innocence of an entire nation. Guilt is, like innocence, not collective, but personal. There is discovered or concealed individual guilt. There is guilt which people acknowledge or deny. Everyone who directly experienced that era should today quietly ask himself about his involvement then.
The vast majority of today's population were either children then or had not been born. They cannot profess a guilt of their own for crimes that they did not commit. No discerning person can expect them to wear a penitential robe simply because they are Germans. But their forefathers have left them a grave legacy.
All of us, whether guilty or not, whether old or young, must accept the past. We are all affected by its consequences and liable for it. The young and old generations must and can help each other to understand why it is vital
to keep alive the memories (5). It is not a case of coming to terms with the past. That is not possible. It cannot be subsequently modified or made not to have happened. However, anyone who closes his eyes to the past is blind to the present. Whoever refuses to remember the inhumanity (6) is prone to new risks of infection.
The Jewish nation remembers (7) and
will always remember(8). We seek reconciliation (1). Precisely for this reason we must understand that there can be no reconciliation (2) without remembrance (9). The experience of millionfold death, 10)is part of the very being of every Jew in the world, not only because people cannot forget such atrocities, but also because remembrance (11) is part of the Jewish faith.
"Seeking to forget makes exile all the longer. The secret of redemption
lies in remembrance (12)." This oft-quoted Jewish adage surely expresses the idea that faith in God is faith in the work of God in history. Remembrance (13) is experience of the work of God in history. It is the source of faith in redemption. This experience creates hope, creates faith in redemption, in reunification of the divided, in reconciliation (3). Whoever forgets this experience loses his faith.
If we for our part sought to forget what has occurred,
instead of remembering it (14), this would not only he inhuman. We would also impinge upon the faith of the Jews who survived and destroy the basis of reconciliation (4). We must erect a memorial to thoughts and feelings in our own hearts.


心に刻みつづける(to keep alive the memories, 5)ことがなぜかくも重要なのかを理解するため、老幼たがいに助け合わねばなりません、また助け合えるのであります。
問題は過去を変えたり、起こらなかったことにするわけにはまいりません。しかし過去に目を閉ざす者は結局のところ現在にも盲目となります。非人間的な行為を心に刻もうとしない者(refuses to remember the inhumanity, 6)は、またそうした危険に陥りやすいのです。
心に刻み(remembers,7)、これからも常に心に刻みつづける(will always remember,8)でしょう。われわれは人間として心からの和解を求めております(seek reconciliation,1)。
心に刻むことなしに(without remembrance, 9)和解はない(no reconciliation, 2)、という一事を理解せねばならぬのです。何百万人もの死を心に刻む(The experience of millionfold death, 10)ことは世界のユダヤ人一人びとの内面の一部なのでありますが、これはあのような恐怖を人びとが忘れることはできない、というだけの理由からではありません。心に刻むというのは(because remembrance,11)ユダヤの信仰の本質でもあるからです。
心に刻むこと(lies in remembrance,12)にこそ
心に刻むというのは(Remembrance ,13)、歴史における神のみ業を目のあたりに経験することであります。これこそが救いの信仰の源であります。この経験こそ希望を生み、救いの信仰、断ち裂かれたものが再び一体となることへの信仰、和解(in reconciliation, 3)への信仰を生み出すのであります。神のみ業の経験を忘れる者は信仰を失います。もしわれわれの側が、かって起こったことを心に刻む代わりに(instead of remembering it, 14)忘れ去ろうとするようなことがあるなら、これは単に非人道的だというにとどまりません。生き延びたユダヤ人たちの信仰を傷つけ、和解の芽を摘み取ってしまう(destroy the basis of reconciliation, 4)ことになるでありましょう。

The 8th of May marks a deep cut not only in German history but in the history of Europe as a whole. The European civil war had come to an end, the old world of Europe lay in ruins. "Europe had fought itself to a standstill" (M. Sturmer). The meeting of American and Soviet Russian soldiers on the Elbe became a symbol for the temporary end of a European era.
True, all this was deeply rooted in history. For a century Europe had suffered under the clash of extreme nationalistic aspirations. At the end of the First World War peace treaties were signed but they lacked the power to foster peace. Once more nationalistic passions flared up and were fanned by the distress of the people at that time.
Along the road to disaster Hitler became the driving force. He whipped up and exploited mass hysteria. A weak democracy was incapable of stopping him. And even the powers of Western Europe–in Churchill's judgment unsuspecting but not without guilt–contributed through their weakness to this fateful trend. After the First World War America had withdrawn and in the thirties had no influence on Europe.
Hitler wanted to dominate Europe and to do so through war. He looked for and found an excuse in Poland. On May 23, 1939, he told the German generals: "No further successes can be gained without bloodshed.... Danzig is not the objective. Our aim is to extend our Lebensraum in the East and safeguard food supplies... so there is no question of sparing Poland. And there remains the decision to attack Poland at the first suitable opportunity... the object is to deliver the enemy a blow, or the annihilating blow, at the start. In this, law, injustice or treaties do not matter."
On August 23, 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact. The secret supplementary protocol made provision for the impending partition of Poland. That pact was made to give Hitler an opportunity to invade Poland. The Soviet leaders at the time were fully aware of this. And all who saw realized that the implications of the German-Soviet pact were invasion of Poland and hence the Second World War.
That does not mitigate Germany's responsibility for the start of the Second World War. The Soviet Union was prepared for other nations to fight one another so that it could have a share of the spoils. The initiative for the war, however, came from Germany, not from the Soviet Union. It was Hitler who resorted to the use of force. The outbreak of the Second World War remains linked with the name of Germany.
In the course of that war the Nazi regime tormented and defiled many nations. At the end of it all only one nation remained to be tormented, enslaved and defiled: the German nation. Time and again Hitler had declared that if the German nation was not capable of winning the war it should be left to perish. The other nations first became victims of a war started by Germany before we became the victims of our own war.
The division of Germany into zones began on May 8. In the meantime the Soviet Union had taken control in all countries of Eastern and South Eastern Europe that had been occupied by Germany during the war. All of them, with the exception of Greece, became socialist states. The division of Europe into two different political systems took its course. True, it was the postwar developments which cemented that division, but without the war started by Hitler it would not have happened at all. That is what first comes to the minds of the nations concerned when they recall the war unleashed by the German leaders. And we think of that too when we ponder the division of our own country and the loss of huge sections of German territory. In a sermon in East Berlin commemorating the 8th of May, Cardinal Meissner said: "the pathetic result of sin is always division."


The arbitrariness of destruction continued to be felt in the arbitrary distribution of burdens. There were innocent people who were persecuted and guilty ones who got away. Some were lucky to be able to begin life all over again at home in familiar surroundings. Others were expelled from the lands of their fathers. We in what was to become the Federal Republic of Germany were given the priceless opportunity to live in freedom. Many millions of our countrymen have been denied that opportunity to this day.
Learning to accept mentally this arbitrary allocation of fate was the first task, alongside the material task of rebuilding the country. That had to be the test of the human strength to recognize the burdens of others, to help bear them over time, not to forget them. It had to be the test of our ability to work for peace, of
our willingness to foster the spirit of reconciliation(5) both at home and in our external relations, an ability and a readiness which not only others expected of us but which we most of all demanded of ourselves.
cannot commemorate the 8th of May (12) without being conscious of the great effort required on the part of our former enemies to set out on the road of reconciliation with us. Can we really place ourselves in the position of relatives of the victims of the Warsaw Ghetto or of the Lidice massacre? And how hard must it have been for the citizens of Rotterdam or London to support the rebuilding of our country from where the bombs came which not long before had been dropped on their cities? To be able to do so they had gradually to gain the assurance that the Germans would not again try to make good their defeat by use of force.
In our country the biggest sacrifice was demanded of those who had been driven out of their homeland. They were to experience suffering and injustice long after the 8th of May. Those of us who were born here often do not have the imagination or the open heart with which to grasp the real meaning of their harsh fate.
But soon there were great signs of readiness to help. Many millions of refugees and expellees were taken in who over the years were able to strike new roots. Their children and grandchildren have in many different ways formed a loving attachment to the culture and the homeland of their ancestors. That is a great treasure in their lives. But they themselves have found a new home where they are growing up and integrating with the local people of the same age, sharing their dialect and their customs. Their young life is proof of their ability to be at peace with themselves. Their grandparents or parents were once driven out. They themselves, however, are now at home.
Very soon and in exemplary fashion the expellees identified themselves with the renunciation of force. That was no passing declaration in the early stages of helplessness but a commitment which has retained its validity. Renouncing the use of force means allowing trust to grow on all sides. It means that a Germany that has regained its strength remains bound by it. The expellees' own homeland has meanwhile become a homeland for others. In many of the old cemeteries in Eastern Europe you will today find more Polish than German graves. The compulsory migration of millions of Germans to the West was followed by the migration of millions of Poles and, in their wake, millions of Russians. These are all people who were not asked, people who suffered injustice, people who became defenseless objects of political events and to whom no compensation for those injustices and no offsetting of claims can make up for what has been done to them.
Renouncing force today means giving them lasting security, unchallenged on political grounds, for their future in the place where fate drove them after the 8th of May and where they have been living in the decades since. It means placing the dictate of understanding above conflicting legal claims. That is the true, the human contribution to a peaceful order in Europe which we can provide.
The new beginning in Europe after 1945 has brought both victory and defeat for the notion of freedom and self-determination. Our aim is to seize the opportunity to draw a line under a long period of European history in which to every country peace seemed conceivable and safe only as a result of its own supremacy, and in which peace meant a period of preparation for the next war.
The peoples of Europe love their homelands. The Germans are no different. Who could trust in a people's love of peace if it were capable of forgetting its homeland? No, love of peace manifests itself precisely in the fact that one does not forget one's homeland and is for that very reason resolved to do everything in one's power to live together with others in lasting peace. An expellee's love for his homeland is in no way revanchism.

心からの和解への心構え(our willingness to foster the spirit of reconciliation, 5)が育っていかねばなりませんでした。そのことこそ他人から求められていただけでなく、われわれ自身が心から望んでいたことでもあったのです。
思い浮かべることは許されません(cannot commemorate the 8th of May, 12)。ワルシャワのゲットーで、そしてチェコのリディツェ村で虐殺された犠牲者たち――われわれは本当にその親族の気持ちになれるものでしょうか。

The last war has aroused a stronger desire for peace in the hearts of men than in times past. The work of the churches
in promoting reconciliation (6) met with a tremendous response. The "Aktion Sühnezeichen,"* a campaign in which young people carry out atonement activity in Poland and Israel, is one example of such practical efforts to promote understanding. Recently, the town of Kleve on the Lower Rhine received loaves of bread from Polish towns as a token of reconciliation and fellowship. The town council sent one of those loaves to a teacher in England because he had discarded his anonymity and written to say that as a member of a bomber crew during the war he had destroyed the church and houses in Kleve and wanted to take part in some gesture of reconciliation. In seeking peace it is a tremendous help if, instead of waiting for the other to come to us, we go towards him, as this man did.

*永井氏の注記によれば、"Aktion Sühnezeichen,"はプロテスタント系の団体で「あがない」と邦訳したSühneは「物質面での補償、弁償とは無縁で…この言葉は、われわれが歴史の経験に学び、過ちを告白し、考え方を転換し、誤った道から立ち直り、そして新しい道を捜さねばならないことを意味している」と説明している、のだという。

和解(in promoting reconciliation, 6)のための努力は大きな反響を呼びました。若い人々による相互理解のための仕事にも多くの実例があります。アウシュヴィッツやイスラエルでの「行動・贖いの証し」の活動もその一つであります。ニーダーライン地方クレーフェの町のある教区には最近、ポーランドのいくつかの教区から和睦と連帯の証しとしてのパンが届けられました。クレーフェの教区はこのパンの一つをイギリスの一教師に送りました。この教師がそれまでの沈黙を破り、自分は戦時中に空軍の一員としてクレーフェの教会と民間住宅とを爆撃したとの手紙を寄せ、和睦の証しを求めていたからなのです。

In the wake of the war, old enemies were brought closer together. As early as 1946, the American Secretary of State, James F. Byrnes, called in his memorable Stuttgart address for understanding in Europe and for assistance to the German nation on its way to a free and peaceable future. Innumerable Americans assisted us Germans, who had lost the war, with their own private means so as to heal the wounds of war. Thanks to the vision of the Frenchmen Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman and their cooperation with Konrad Adenauer, the traditional enmity between the French and Germans was buried forever.
A new will and energy to reconstruct Germany surged through the country. Many an old trench was filled in, religious differences and social strains were defused. People set to work in a spirit of partnership.
There was no "zero hour," but we had the opportunity to make a fresh start. We have used this opportunity as well as we could.
We have put democratic freedom in the place of oppression. Four years after the end of the war, on this May 8, in 1949, the Parliamentary Council adopted our Basic Law. Transcending party differences, the democrats on the council gave their answer to war and tyranny in Article 1 of our constitution: "The German people acknowledge inviolable and inalienable human rights as the basis of any community, of peace and of justice in the world." This further significance of May 8
should also be remembered today (15).
The Federal Republic of Germany has become an internationally respected state. It is one of the most highly developed industrial countries in the world. It knows that its economic strength commits it to share responsibility for the struggle against hunger and need in the world and for social adjustment between nations. For 40 years we have been living in peace and freedom, to which we, through our policy in union with the free nations of the Atlantic alliance and the European Community, have ourselves rendered a major contribution. The freedom of the individual has never received better protection in Germany than it does today. A comprehensive system of social welfare that can stand comparison with any other ensures the subsistence of the population. Whereas at the end of the war many Germans tried to hide their passports or to exchange them for another one, German nationality today is highly valued.
We certainly have no reason to be arrogant and self-righteous. But we may look back with gratitude on our development over these 40 years, if
we use the memory of our own history (16) as a guideline for our future behavior.
If we remember that mentally disturbed persons (17) were put to death in the Third Reich, we will see care of people with psychiatric disorders as our own responsibility.
If we remember how people persecuted on grounds of race, religion and politics and threatened with certain death often stood before the closed borders with other countries (18), we shall not close the door today on those who are genuinely persecuted and seek protection with us.
If we reflect on the penalties for free thinking under the dictatorship, we will protect the freedom of every idea and every criticism, however much it may be directed against ourselves.
Whoever criticizes the situation in the Middle East should think of the fate to which Germans condemned their Jewish fellow human beings, a fate that led to the establishment of the state of Israel under conditions which continue to burden people in that region even today.
If we think of what our Eastern neighbors had to suffer during the war, we will find it easier to understand that accommodation and peaceful neighborly relations with these countries remain central tasks of German foreign policy. It is important that both sides remember and that
both sides respect each other (19).
Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, declared that it was not the intention of the Soviet leaders at the 40th anniversary of the end of the war to stir up anti-German feelings. The Soviet Union, he said, was committed to friendship between nations. Particularly if we have doubts about Soviet contributions to understanding between East and West and about respect for human rights in all parts of Europe, we must not ignore this signal from Moscow. We seek friendship with the peoples of the Soviet Union.

心に刻む必要があります(should also be remembered today , 15)
心に刻んで感謝すること(we use the memory of our own history, 16)は許されるでありましょう。
精神病患者が殺害されたことを心に刻むなら(If we remember that mentally disturbed persons, 17)、精神を病んでいる市民に温かい目を注ぐことはわれわれ自身の課題であると理解することでありましょう。
人種、宗教、政治上の理由から迫害され、目前の死に脅えていた人びとに対し、しばしば他に国の国境が閉ざされていたことを心に刻むなら(If we remember how people persecuted on grounds of race, religion and politics and threatened with certain death often stood before the closed borders with other countries, 18)、今日不当に迫害され、われわれに保護を求める人びとに対し門戸を閉ざすことはないでありましょう。
双方が互いに心に刻み合い、互いに尊敬し合うこと(both sides remember and that both sides respect each other, 19)が求められているのであり、人間としても、文化の面でも、そしてまたつまるところ歴史的にも、そうであってしかるべき理由があるのであります。

Forty years after the end of the war, the German nation remains divided.
At a commemorative service in the Church of the Holy Cross in Dresden held in February of this year, Bishop Hempel said: "It is a burden and a scourge that two German states have emerged with their harsh border. The very multitude of borders is a burden and a scourge. Weapons are a burden."
Recently in Baltimore in the United States, an exhibition on "Jews in Germany" was opened. The ambassadors of both German states accepted the invitation to attend. The host, the President of the Johns Hopkins University, welcomed them together. He stated that all Germans share the same historical development. Their joint past is a bond that links them. Such a bond, he said, could be a blessing or a problem, but was always a source of hope.
We Germans are one people and one nation. We feel that we belong together because have lived through the same past. We also experienced the 8th of May 1945 as part of the common fate of our nation, which unites us. We feel bound together in our desire for peace. Peace and good neighborly relations with all countries should radiate from the German soil in both states. And no other states should let that soil become a source of danger to peace, either. The people of Germany are united in desiring a peace that encompasses justice and human rights for all peoples, including our own.
Reconciliation that transcends boundaries (7) cannot be provided by a walled Europe but only by a continent that removes the divisive elements from its borders. That is the exhortation given us by the end of the Second World War. We are confident that the 8th of May is not the last date in the common history of all Germans.



心からの和解をもたらすこと(Reconciliation that transcends boundaries,7)はできません。国境がたがいを分け隔てるものではない大陸でなくてはなりません。第二次大戦の結末はまさにそのことをわれわれに告げております。5月8日が、すべてのドイツ人を結びつける史上最後の日付でありつづけることはない、と確信いたしております。

Many young people have in recent months asked themselves and us why such animated discussions about the past have arisen 40 years after the end of the war. Why are they more animated than after 25 or 30 years? What is the inherent necessity of this development?
It is not easy to answer such questions. But we should not seek the reasons primarily in external influences. In the life span of men and in the destiny of nations, 40 years play a great role. Permit me at this point to return again to the Old Testament, which contains deep insights for every person, irrespective of his own faith. There, 40 years frequently play a vital part. The Israelites were to remain in the desert for 40 years before a new stage in their history began with their arrival in the Promised Land. 40 years were required for a complete transfer of responsibility from the generation of the fathers.
Elsewhere, too (in the Book of Judges), it is described
how often the memory of experienced assistance and rescue lasted only for 40 years (20). When their memory faded(21), tranquillity was at an end. Forty years invariably constitute a significant time span. Man perceives them as the end of a dark age bringing hope for a new and prosperous future, or as the onset of danger that the past might be forgotten and a warning of the consequences. It is worth reflecting on both of these perceptions.
In our country, a new generation has grown up to assume political responsibility. Our young people are not responsible for what happened over 40 years ago. But they are responsible for the historical consequences.
We in the older generation owe to young people not the fulfillment of dreams but honesty. We must help younger people
to understand why it is vital to keep memories alive (22). We want to help them to accept historical truth soberly, not one-sidedly, without taking refuge in utopian doctrines, but also without moral arrogance. From our own history we learn what man is capable of. For that reason we must not imagine that we are quite different and have become better. There is no ultimately achievable moral perfection. We have learned as human beings, and as human beings we remain in danger. But we have the strength to overcome such danger again and again.
Hitler's constant approach was to stir up prejudices, enmity and hatred. What is asked of young people today is this: do not let yourselves be forced into enmity and hatred of other people, of Russians or Americans, Jews or Turks, of alternatives or conservatives, blacks or whites.
Let us honor freedom.
Let us work for peace.
Let us respect the rule of law.
Let us be true to our own conception of justice.
On this 8th of May, let us face up as well as we can to the truth.
from Geoffrey Hartman, ed., Bitburg in Moral and Political Perspective (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986).



かって身に受けた助け、救いは往々にして四十年の間しか心に刻んでおけなかった(how often the memory of experienced assistance and rescue lasted only for 40 years,20)、と記されております。心に刻んでおくことがなくなったとき(When their memory faded, 21)、太平は終わりを告げたのです。
心に刻み続けることがきわめて重要なのはなぜか(to understand why it is vital to keep memories alive, 22)、このことを若い人々が理解できるよう手助けせねばならないのです。



出所: Geoffrey Hartman編修、『Bitburg* in Moral and Political Perspective 』(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986).

ビットブルク (独: Bitburg)はドイツ連邦共和国ラインラント=プファルツ州ビットブルク=プリュム群にある市で、同郡の郡庁所在地である。トリーアの北西約25kn、ルクセンブルグの北東約50kmに位置する。
第二次世界大戦の米独両軍の戦死者が眠るビットブルク墓地があり、1985年にヘルムーと・コール首相とロナルド・レーガン米国大統領が献花したが、この墓地にはナチスの武装親衛隊(SS; [独語]Schutzstaffel、[英語] Protection Squadron)員も葬られていたため、批判する声もあった。米国及び西ドイツ両国において、『ビットブルグ論争』を引き起こしたのでる。
ビットブルグ論争を編修したのが、Geoffrey Hartman(ドイツ生まれ、現在エール大学教授*)、書名は『Bitburg in Moral and Political Perspective 』。
1986年にインディアナ大学出版局から出版されている。(Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1986).
* Sterling Professor Emeritus & Senior Research Scholar of English and Comparative Literature at University.


[3] 英文と邦訳分の比較について

英文では、remember、memory、keep memories aliveなどが使われている。
Erinnerungを辞書で調べると英語では[ memory]
和英辞書で「心に刻む」を引くと、engrave in mind, engrave with、である。
to cut (words, pictures or patterns) into (the surface of metal,stone, etc.)
The names of the 58,000 American military personnel who died in Vietnam are engraved on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington.
If something is engraved on/in your memory, mind or heart, it is something you will never forget:
The final talk I had with her is engraved on may memory for ever.

Remember Pearl Harborというときの「仕返し、報復」のひびきはまったくない。

1. [with object] Have in or be able to bring to one’s mind an awareness of (someone or something from the past):
2. [with infinitive] Do something that one has undertaken to do or that is necessary or advisable:

「思い浮かべる」は12ヵ所で使われている。英語では、recall、mourn、commemorate、pay homage、recall、などと訳されている。
1. [with object]Bring (a fact, event, or situation) back into one’s mind; remember:
2. Officially order (someone) to return to a place:


The Jewish nation remembers and will always remember. We seek reconciliation.



"Aktion Sühnezeichen," a campaign in which young people carry out atonement activity in Poland and Israel, is one example of such practical efforts to promote understanding.


[Bring (a fact, event, or situation) back into one’s mind; remember]
We recall the victims of the resistance movements in all the countries occupied by us.


May 8 is
a day of remembrance (2). Remembering (3) means recalling (2) an occurrence honestly and undistortedly so that it becomes a part of our very beings. This places high demands on our truthfulness.
Today we
mourn(3) all the dead of the war and the tyranny. In particular we commemorate (4) the six million Jews who were murdered in German concentration camps.
commemorate (5) all nations who suffered in the war, especially the countless citizens of the Soviet Union and Poland who lost their lives. As Germans, we mourn (6) our own compatriots who perished as soldiers, during air raids at home, in captivity or during expulsion. We commemorate (7) the Sinti and Romany Gypsies, the homosexuals and the mentally ill who were killed, as well as the people who had to die for their religious or political beliefs. We commemorate (8) the hostages who were executed. We recall (1) the victims of the resistance movements in all the countries occupied by us. As Germans, we pay homage (9) to the victims of the German resistance–among the public, the military, the churches, the workers and trade unions, and the Communists. We commemorate (10) those who did not actively resist, but preferred to die instead of violating their consciences.----Ⅱ

心に刻むための日(a day of remembrance, 2)であります。心に刻む(Remembering , 3)というのは、ある出来事が自らの内面の一部となるよう、これを誠実かつ純粋に思い浮かべる(recalling , 2)ことであります。そのためには真実を求めることが大いに必要とされます。
哀しみのうちに思い浮かべております(mourn , 3)
思い浮かべます(commemorate , 4)
思い浮かべます(commemorate , 5)
哀しみのうちに思い浮かべます(mourn , 6)
思い浮かべます(commemorate , 7)。
銃殺された人質を思い浮かべます(commemorate , 8)。
思いをはせます(recall, 1)
思い浮かべ(pay homage , 9)、敬意を表します。
思い浮かべます(commemorate , 10)

[4] ナチの戦争責任を主張








英語で言えば、remember, recall, commemorate, mourn, pay homage, etc.と言っているだけである。






西尾幹二著『異なる悲劇―日本とドイツ』(文藝春秋社 1994/10/15刊)で、ヴァイツゼッカー演説について、次のように評している。


異ならない悲劇 日本とドイツ 西尾幹二氏の所論に寄せて







Some may have concerns about Fukushima. Let me assure you,
the situation is under control.
It has never done and will never do any damage to Tokyo.
と発言したが、放射能を含んだ地下水が太平洋に拡散し、いまだに、[under control]の状態にはほど遠い状況であることは世界が周知するところである。




[1] わが国の戦争責任に関する村山・細川両首相の文書
(1) 「戦後50周年の終戦記念日にあたって」(いわゆる村山談話)
(2) 細川首相の所信表明演説
[衆議院演説年月日] 1993/8/23 [参議院演説年月日] 1993/8/23
[2] ヴァイツゼッカー演説についてのニューヨークタイムズ紙の論評(1985/06/23)

[1] わが国の戦争責任に関する村山・細川両首相の文書

(1) 「戦後50周年の終戦記念日にあたって」(いわゆる村山談話)


出典 「春秋左伝」、襄公八年(紀元前五百六十五年)

(2) 細川首相の所信表明演説
[衆議院演説年月日] 1993/8/23 [参議院演説年月日] 1993/8/23
東京大学東洋文化研究所 田中明彦研究室
[内閣名] 第79代細川内閣(平成5.8.9~6.4.28)
[国会回次] 第127回(特別会) http://www.ioc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~worldjpn/documents/texts/pm/




[2] ヴァイツゼッカー演説についてのニューヨークタイムズ紙の論評(1985/06/23)
June 23, 1985
By James M. Markham; James M. Markham is chief of The New York Times Bonn bureau.

BY MAY 8, 1945, THE DAY Nazi Germany capitulated, Richard Freiherr von Weizsacker, a 25-year-old Wehrmacht captain, had made it back to his grandmother's farm in southwest Germany. The war had profoundly affected the young baron. Nearly six years earlier, on the second day of Hitler's invasion of Poland, he had been 300 yards away when his older brother Heinrich was killed by a bullet that pierced his throat as he clambered over a railroad embankment. The 19-year-old Richard kept mournful watch over his brother's body that night.
Later wounded three times himself, Weizsacker survived the rigors of the campaign in the Soviet Union and rose to the position of adjutant in the Ninth Potsdam Infantry Regiment, a legendary unit steeped in the aloof, monarchical spirit of the Prussian aristocracy. So many of its officers were implicated in the botched July 20, 1944 attempt on Hitler's life that the regiment was virtually disbanded by the Nazis. Yet, for Weizsacker, World War II did not really end on May 8. His father had been the Third Reich's top career diplomat for most of the war and was soon to be tried at Nuremberg as a war criminal. A law student, Richard would join his father's defense team and confront the full horrors of the 12-year Reich.
On May 8, 1985, Richard von Weizsacker, the president of West Germany, climbed a podium in Bonn's hushed parliament and, in a speech that distilled a life's experience, spoke out against forgetting. His black suit and silver hair set off by a shimmering dais of yellow daisies, Weizsacker declared that younger generations of Germans ''cannot profess a guilt of their own for crimes they did not commit.''
''No discerning person can expect them to wear a penitential robe simply because they are Germans,'' he continued. ''But their forefathers have left them a grave legacy. All of us, whether guilty or not, whether young or old, must accept the past. We are all affected by the consequences and liable for it. The young and old generations must and can help each other to understand why it is vital to keep alive the memories.''
Weizsacker speaks with stately deliberateness, and here he paused for dramatic effect. Then, a register higher, he continued: ''It is not a case of coming to terms with the past. That is not possible. It cannot be subsequently modified or made undone. However, anyone who closes his eyes to the past is blind to the present. Whoever refuses to remember the inhumanity is prone to new risks of infection. The Jewish nation remembers and will always remember. We seek reconciliation. Precisely for this reason we must understand that there can be no reconciliation without remembrance. . . . If we for our part sought to forget what had occurred, instead of remembering it, this would not only be inhuman, we would also impinge upon the faith of the Jews who survived and destroy the basis of reconciliation.''
Coming after a painful and mawkish West German debate over President Reagan's visit to the Bitburg military cemetery - a debate in which tendencies to rewrite and prettify the past sometimes ran stronger than impulses to recollection and contrition - President Weizsacker's Bundestag speech had a cathartic impact. His office was inundated with approving letters and telegrams; the Israeli Ambassador to Bonn pronounced the discourse ''a moment of glory'' in West German-Israeli ties; a Government agency printed 250,000 copies to distribute in schools, and a Hamburg company made plans to bring out a record of the speech. Momentarily, Weizsacker had cleared the air of a seamy, self-pitying revisionism, banishing a half-articulated wish among some older Germans that Reagan's gesture at Bitburg might be some final act of absolution, a ritual cleansing of Germany's past.
For many Germans, the resonant speech also confirmed the 65-year-old president's growing importance as a guardian of the nation's moral conscience, a role that, during a period of uninspiring politics in Bonn, other German leaders have seemingly forfeited. Although himself a Christian Democrat, Weizsacker has shaped a following that cuts across party lines; he seems to have touched a felt need for the oratory and rectitude that have been missing since Helmut Schmidt, a Social Democrat, withdrew from politics. There are other prominent German politicians who have tried to reconcile their nation's Nazi past and democratic present - but none can claim the kind of national influence and visibility that Weizsacker enjoys by virtue of his high office. One such figure is Manfred Rommel, the popular 56-year-old Mayor of Stuttgart, whose father, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, was forced to commit suicide because of his opposition to Hitler. Former Chancellor Willy Brandt, the 71-year-old Nobel Peace Prize laureate who went into exile during the Third Reich, can also speak with moral authority. But in contrast to Weizsacker, whose post requires little direct political bargaining, Brandt's position as chairman of the opposition Social Democrats gives his declarations a partisan character. In aspiring to make the largely ceremonial West German presidency a center of intellectual and thus political power, Weizsacker has consciously pitted himself against Chancellor Helmut Kohl, a clumsy communicator but a politician with tenacious survival instincts. It is a largely symbolic confrontation, because the president has neither the political leverage nor the ambition to challenge Kohl's position as chancellor. Despite Kohl's cheery attempts to portray himself as the country's first ''postwar'' chancellor, the 55-year-old Christian Democratic leader is not unburdened by the Nazi past. The two men's approaches to the Third Reich, and to the present, are opposing models for other Germans: the chancellor's rooted in a bluff, brightly optimistic view of life, the president's in a more somber appraisal of human frailty - something he witnessed in his father and in himself during the war.
Yet in his Bundestag speech, Weizsacker was able to transcend the Nazi nightmare and proffer a sober message of hope to the uneasy generations of young West Germans who will soon inherit leadership of the most powerful nation in Western Europe. ''We in the older generation owe to young people not the fulfillment of dreams, but honesty,'' said the president in his peroration. ''Hitler's constant approach was to stir up prejudices, enmity and hatred. What is asked of young people today is this: Do not let yourselves be forced into enmity and hatred of other people. Let us honor freedom. Let us work for peace. Let us respect the rule of law. Let us be true to our own conception of justice. On this 8th of May, let us face up as well as we can to the truth.''
THE POLITICAL DRAMA, OR melodrama, that provoked the Weizsacker address had been less exalting, and told much about the roiled temper of the German people 40 years after their vanquished army surrendered to Allied forces in Berlin. A year ago, Helmut Kohl was hurt to have been left out of the 40th anniversary celebrations of the D-Day landings; he felt that West Germany's three decades of membership in NATO entitled him to a place on the sun-dappled, flag-festooned Normandy beaches. French President Francois Mitterrand offered the miffed chancellor the consolation prize of a Franco-German reconciliation ceremony at the World War I battlefield site of Verdun.
The imagery of Kohl and Mitterrand clasping hands at Verdun excited the chancellor, who urged President Reagan to stage a similar telegenic ''reconciliation'' ceremony at a small cemetery in a small town in the Eifel hills. The place called Bitburg was to be a photo opportunity for the history books. Not one to shy from well-choreographed symbolism, Reagan happily agreed. Yet both Kohl and Reagan had failed to perceive the moral chasm that separates World War I and World War II - into which they both tumbled.
When it was discovered that 49 Waffen SS troopers, members of Hitler's elite Nazi guard, were buried at Bitburg, Kohl at first seemed unable to grasp the building outrage in the United States that an American Presi-dent should go to such a place. When he finally confronted the SS issue, in a Bundestag debate on April 25, Kohl characteristically transmuted an ethically and historically complicated question into an anecdotal one, arguing that many of the Bitburg dead ''did not have any chance, like everyone at that time, to evade conscription by the Waffen SS.''
In this 40th anniversary year, the theme of Germans as victims - victims of ruthless Allied bombing raids over their cities, refugees from the pillaging and raping Red Army -has been running strong on German television shows and in the utterances of politicians. In his insistence that the SS troopers buried at Bitburg were essentially victims of the Nazis and the war, Kohl, like many Germans of his age, was blurring his own experience with the historical record. At the age of 12, he had been conscripted into a wartime firefighting brigade. At 15, the future chancellor was drafted and dispatched to a military training center in Berchtesgaden. The war mercifully ended before he could be sent off to fight.
As the anti-Bitburg protests in America quickened, senior members of Kohl's center-right Christian Democratic Party managed to turn their sense of victimization into a weapon of outrage. In a letter to 53 American senators who had urged canceling the Bitburg appearance, Alfred Dregger, the Christian Democrats' floor leader, termed the proposed cancellation ''an insult'' to those German soldiers who had fought on the Russian front.
On April 29, in a joint open letter to the chancellor, two officials from the Bitburg area went further: ''The dead who lie at the military cemetery must not, after a cruel selection among the living over 40 years ago, be now made victims of a selection among the fallen, most of them youths.''
Here the use of the very special German word ''Selektion'' echoed SS death camp procedures: right to the gas chambers, left to the forced-labor battalions. Thus the 49 dead SS troopers were implicitly elevated to the ultimate level of victimhood. Exclaimed Michel Friedman, a 29-year-old leader of Frankfurt's Jewish community: ''The word 'Selektion' is so tied to Auschwitz that I can't believe they dared to use it!''
IN PITTING HIMSELF against such revisionist uses of history, Richard von Weizsacker has been forced to confront the moral ambiguities that cloud his own family's past. Some of his friends believe that Weizsacker was determined to become president of West Germany, and remains determined to become a great president, in order to rehabilitate his family name.
His father, Ernst Freiherr von Weizsacker, was from 1938 to 1943 chief state secretary in the Foreign Ministry under the vainglorious Joachim von Ribbentrop. Hardly a convinced democrat, the elder Weizsacker at first adjusted easily enough to the collapse of the chaotic Weimar Republic and to the Third Reich's sterner methods. After listening to a debate in the Swiss parliament in 1935, he noted with satisfaction in his diary ''how removed we are from parliamentarism,'' and added, ''Today the German civil servant can really be proud that he is hardly subject to public control.'' A conservative patriot, Weizsacker embraced the idea of the expansion of the German Reich into the Sudetenland. Yet well into the Polish crisis of 1939, he believed that Hitler was prone to compromise and needed to be isolated from the war-mongering Himmler and Ribbentrop.
Richard von Weizsacker has never written at length, or spoken publicly, about his father or his own role in the war, but on May 17 he settled himself into an armchair in Villa Hammerschmidt, the presidential mansion by the Rhine, and in a remarkably candid two-hour interview, reminisced. The president's manner is dispassionate and ironic - a warm, deep chuckle punctuates his storytelling - and throughout, he seemed less interested in justifying than in explaining what he called his father's ''failure.'' It was, he said, a failure to understand Hitler when he came to power in 1933, a failure of believing that professional diplomats could sway the dictator from his warlike course, a failure to understand the impact of popular opinion on foreign policy and, finally, a failure of character. ''My father was very honest but not very strong, not very outspoken,'' said Weizsacker.
The president explicitly repudiated the view, encouraged by his father's thin volume of memoirs and some German historians, that the diplomat was at heart a member of the anti-Hitler resistance. But he said he was ''deeply persuaded'' that his father, who was prisonment by the Nuremberg tribunal, was not a war criminal, and he recalled Winston Churchill's comment that the Americans had made ''a deadly error'' in trying him. ''My father always took the position,'' said the president, ''that after such a dreadful war, with such things as happened, it was not surprising there should have been an indictment. But he had his duty in the face of this indictment to make his viewpoint clear and stand up for his name and the family name.'' The elder Weizsacker was amnestied after 18 months in jail; he died in 1951, shortly after his release.
Father and son experienced the evolution of the Third Reich together. The president recalled a mood of ''open-mindedness . . . a certain feeling of anxiety and relief'' in Berlin on Jan. 30, 1933, when Hitler came to power; he contrasted it immediately with the grim and apprehensive atmosphere in the capital when the Nazis instigated the plundering and burning of Jewish shops and synagogues on Nov. 9, 1938, the so-called Crystal Night. By 1938, he said, his father was working to prevent war from breaking out. The elder Weizsacker made discreet contacts with British diplomats, and vainly tried to rally Mussolini against Germany's plunge into hostilities. The diplomat welcomed the Munich agreement, said the son, not simply because it returned the Sudetenland to the Reich, but because it seemed to buy time for peace.
On Sept. 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, detonating World War II. ''On that day,'' said the son of his father, ''he felt that his whole work and life was in vain.'' The son, then a 19-year-old soldier moving out of Potsdam for the invasion at 2 in the morning, recalled it now as ''a silent march full of oppressive feelings'' - a sharp contrast to the uproarious, join-the-bandwagon atmosphere that had accompanied the outbreak of World War I. He spoke sparingly of the death of his brother Heinrich (''a wonderful guy''), recalling that the slain lieutenant had once hoped to become a historian but instead had joined the Wehrmacht because ''he said it didn't make sense to study in times like these.''
The young Weizsacker's closest friend in the Ninth Potsdam Infantry Regiment was Axel von dem Bussche-Streithorst, who became involved in a plot to blow up Hitler, and himself, with a specially equipped vest. The scheme, worked out with Count Claus Schenk von Stauffenberg, aborted when the vest was destroyed in an air raid and Bussche himself was wounded in combat. The impetuous Bussche had in 1942 investigated the murder of 1,000 Jews by SS troops at the Dubno airfield in the Soviet Union -an event of decisive importance for both friends. Weizsacker said that he had already been ''indoctrinated'' by his father to regard Hitler as ''a misfortune,'' but that the Crystal Night and his friend's revelations about the SS ''completed the picture of a misfortune into one of a crime.''
On July 20, 1944, a separate plot by Stauffenberg to blow up Hitler at the Fuhrer's Wolf's Lair bunker failed. A Nazi staff officer came to Weizsacker, the regiment's adjutant, asking about a telegram from Stauffenberg to Bussche urging him to come to Berlin. The adjutant mumbled something about friendship, and was astonished when subsequently the Nazi officer, under questioning by a judge, failed to mention the telegram. ''Otherwise,'' he said, ''Bussche would have been immediately executed.'' Weizsacker refrains from portraying himself as an active plotter, but he clearly covered up for friends more deeply involved. Hermann Priebe, a professor in Frankfurt who was a Wehrmacht officer during the war, has written how the adjutant saved his life by frustrating orders from the Gestapo to have him sent to Berlin in 1945.
From his experiences at Nuremberg - where many defendants unveiled a ''spirit of resistance'' to Hitler that they had managed to cloak for 12 years - Weizsacker is disinclined to lionize his own role in the war, and passes a harsh judgment on himself. ''From young people like us,'' he said, ''one should have expected that we would have gotten better information because of the things we had seen with our own eyes.'' He sounded this theme in his Bundestag speech, saying that most Germans had been in a position to know about the persecution of the Jews. But just as his father could not bring himself to leave Hitler's service, so, too, the son could not resolve what he calls the ''tension'' between competing imperatives. ''There was always the tension that one was a soldier, got orders from above, but also passed orders down further,'' he said. ''But on the other hand, one had responsibility for the troops under one's command and couldn't simply say, 'In our sector we are now dropping out.' ''
At Nuremberg, the young Weizsacker pored over documents detailing the crimes of the Hitler era, and assembled an 800-page volume on the liquidation of the Jews to aid his father's defense. In his Bundestag speech, Weizsacker clearly was thinking of men like his father when he criticized Germans for not pursuing evidence of the chilling crimes that were occurring around them. ''I really believe,'' said the son of his father, ''that he did not know about the existence of the gas chambers and systematic mass killing. I believe that he knew a lot of people were dying, but not how. Moreover, I believe that he thought [the Nazis] capable of everything he could imagine. But I don't think his imagination, and all our imaginations, were enough to think out what really happened.''
Robert Kempner, the prosecutor who brought charges against Weizsacker and other senior civil servants in the so-called Wilhelmstrasse trial, today calls the defendant ''a tragic figure.'' But Kempner insisted that the elder Weizsacker had ''accused himself'' by initialling documents to Adolf Eichmann for the transportation of European Jews to Auschwitz. ''They worked together with the butchers,'' said Kempner of Hitler's senior civil servants. ''They took their paychecks and signed the murderous documents.'' Kempner has only praise for the younger Weizsacker. ''He did his job for his father, and that was his duty,'' he said. ''It must have been horrible for him - discovering all these signatures and the letters to Eichmann.''
ON MAY 23, 1984, IN A special parliamentary assembly election, Richard von Weizsacker was elected president of West Germany by 832 to 68 votes, drawing unusual bipartisan support from his own Christian Democratic Party and the opposition Social Democrats. His election capped a postwar career that had started in business, at the head of the economic-policy department of the giant Mannesmann steel concern, and that took him into the senior ranks of the Christian Democrats. In a stunning personal triumph in 1981, he had become Mayor of West Berlin, a bastion of the Social Democrats. To keep him away from Bonn, a wary Chancellor Kohl argued for months that Weizsacker was indispensable in West Berlin, but finally caved in to his wish to become president. Now, from his office only a few hundred yards from the chancellor's, Weizsacker has begun to set standards of insight and oratory that Kohl, enmeshed in day-to-day political wrangling, will find hard to match. ''It's like in high jumping,'' commented one Western European ambassador in Bonn. ''Weizsacker has put the bar very high.''
Yet the president appears to have preoccupations other than outshining the chancellor. In a conversation when he was still West Berlin's Mayor, Weizsacker depicted a principal concern as ''the failure of my generation to bring younger people into politics.'' ''The young people do not admire the moral substance of the older generation,'' he said, pacing back and forth in a bright salon of the West Berlin Senate guest house. ''Our economic achievement went along with a very materialistic and very selfish view of all problems. We have defined freedom as a sum of claims and rights, and not that of duties and responsibilities.''
Bitburg bared the profound cleavage that separates West Germany's postwar youth from their elders. Passion, self-pity, self-justification and the occasional flash of high moral argument - all this came from Germans old enough to have been in the war. The young looked on as faintly concerned spectators, wondering when the past would really become the past, so they could live in a normal country; they did not crave the absolution that their parents and grandparents did, and - if numerous conversations are any guide - did not believe that the Third Reich's crimes could be simply washed away by the gesture of an American President they do not exactly admire.
''The reaction in the many letters I get,'' said President Weizsacker, ''is that younger people didn't particularly want Reagan to come to Bitburg, but didn't particularly like this kind of obsession and debates and arguments pro and con.'' He said that most young Germans had not adopted the views of Elie Wiesel, the Auschwitz survivor who spoke out fervently against Bitburg in the United States, but that they were simply ''shocked over this strange world in which suddenly, for weeks, nothing existed but this.''
If Weizsacker succeeds in leaving a political legacy to Germany, it may be in reconciling emerging generations to paradox. It is a paradox - one that younger Germans have trouble embracing - that the most tolerant and successful democracy in German history was built by men and women who emerged from the moral ruins of Nazism. Few were free of some kind of complicity with the past, and many were spiritually lamed, but these burdens did not condemn the democracy they erected. The president does not boast about this transition, and in his Bundestag speech he phrased it with characteristic restraint: ''There was no 'zero hour,' but we had the opportunity to make a fresh start. We have used this opportunity as well as we could.''
It is somewhat paradoxical, too, that a Federal Republic dependent on the West and the Atlantic alliance for its security, should simultaneously reach out to a sundered eastern remnant, Communist East Germany. In a thoughtful tome entitled ''German History Goes Forward,'' Weizsacker mused: ''We are not only the east of the West, but the west of the Middle.'' He has tried to keep alive the idea of a cultural nation called Germany divided into two states. As Mayor of West Berlin, Weizsacker irritated the United States, France and Britain, the half-city's protecting powers, by breaking with protocol and visiting Erich Honecker, the East German Communist Party chief, in East Berlin. Today, the president favors a relatively indulgent line toward East Germany, believing that the best way to lighten the lot of its ordinary citizens is to reassure their rulers that they are not about to be deposed. In West Germany, his generation faces the task of sustaining the vision of a united Germany among forgetful younger Germans, for whom East Germany is a foreign country. In conversation in divided Berlin, he once observed: ''Somehow the wall which separates the German people is the very proof that there is a German people. To be a German requires the ability to stand up to these contradictions, in spite of the fact that they are awkward or difficult.''
His constituency is potentially vast, but the resources for his enterprise are tiny: a modest staff and his own experience. Ironically, some of his strongest supporters today are in the center of the opposition Social Democratic Party, where his hardly veiled skepticism about the Reagan Administration's so-called Star Wars venture and his views on East Germany are shared. His most ferocious foes are on the far right of his own Christian Democratic Party, who see him as abandoning irredentist claims to lost territories to the east.
His truest legacy, though, may ultimately be in confronting Germans unflinchingly with their past, so that they can go more sure-footedly into the future. Almost doggedly, Helmut Kohl likes to say, ''We Germans have learned the lessons of the past.'' Behind this oft-repeated cliche lies an impatience, an eagerness to get out of the past, even to bury it.
Weizsacker's life has taught him to be warier. ''When one looks into history 40 or 50 years later,'' he said, leaning forward in his chair in the presidential villa for emphasis, ''it is better as a young person to judge someone for having behaved wrongly if one has also experienced such a situation. The tendency to believe that people then were evil but today they are good is very widespread. And this tendency, naturally, is not good.''
Photo of West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and President Richard Von Weizacker (Bunsesbildstelle, Bonn)
